We need to divide and conquer for our upcoming Bingo Fundraiser on Sunday, March 29.
In addition to the volunteer needs we will have on “Game Day,” we also need people behind the scenes to make the event a successful one.
- Sponsor Follow-up – Work with Becki Jellen to follow-up with potential donors and pursue any new leads that might arise.
- Flyer Creation and Sponsor Poster – Create a promotional flyer for Bingo that can be posted around town and used for the Community Bulletin and SATV. In addition, create the Sponsor Poster that will be displayed at the event and the Sponsors handout that is placed on tables that day.
- Event Promotion Planner – Extend existing promotional plan to increase attendance at event.
- Prize and Raffle Basket Assemblers – Need creative/crafty volunteers to assemble the baskets into visibly pleasing gifts; must be flexible/able to work on the fly because donations arrive at different times.
- Food Planning and Coordination – Work with Denise Nase and Becki Jellen to come up with a menu based on incoming food donations (Becki), existing supply (Denise) and any new suggestions.
- Keystone Opportunity Center Donation Coordinator – Work with the Center to come up with list of most needed items that can be posted on our website; Manage the donations desk on the day of the event and deliver the food to Keystone after the event
Click on the links on the right to help out.