Designer Bag Bingo 2024

The Designer Bag Bingo event has SOLD OUT!!!
Thank you to all who have purchased tickets!! 
We look forward to a fun night!!

A special thank you to the following for serving as our Bingo Caller and DJ for the event:

Kevin Shelly, Magician

Scott Swindells

Support Provided By

Wreath Sale

A Souderton Tradition …

Each fall, the BRBB sells evergreen wreaths. The wreaths are usually available in November. Dates, times, and locations are listed on the forms.

These are beautiful holiday wreaths with berries, pinecones, and a big red bow, just perfect for your front door for the holidays… your friends, family, and teachers will enjoy supporting you and the band this way. 

The price of a wreath is just $30.

Why should I sell wreaths?

Both you and the band will get fundraising dollars for each wreath sold.

Student credit is $3-$5 per wreath depending on the band’s total volume of sales. That translates to money you can spend on BRBB-approved expenses, such as the BRBB participation fee, trips, and director-mandated uniform components.

How do I sell them?

Friends and family orders are collected on the two-page Order Summary Form. These orders/money are due Oct. 22 to the Red Box.

Faculty/Staff orders are collected on the small (half-page) Faculty & Staff Order Form, and they go in the Red Box too.

Where do I get sales?

Feel free to post the sale on Facebook! This has been the best way to get tons of sales.
Thank you! Your participation in this sale is huge – no matter if you sell 1 wreath, 25 wreaths, or 200 wreaths! The band appreciates your efforts. Remember, this is your way to fundraise, for yourself and for the band.

2023 Wreath Sale Timeline

Click here for payment info

October 27 – Orders Due

November 22 – Pick-Up Day, 4:00-8:00 pm*

Questions? Email

Forte Winter Guard

Who Are We?

Forte Winter Guard, our indoor guard ensemble, is open to any Souderton Area High School student who participated in the Big Red Marching Band in the same year. Students do not need to have prior color guard experience.

Members of this group are expected to apply themselves towards excellence in visual performance. These performances include, but are not limited to, dance and equipment work based on predetermined themes.

The ensemble performs several competitions and exhibitions throughout the winter and spring seasons.

Our Schedule

Our indoor groups compete on the Tournament of Bands/Tournament Indoor Association (TIA) circuit. For more information, visit the TIA site.

The indoor season usually runs from November/December through the first weekend in May. Competitions take place on several Saturdays, usually beginning in late January.

Students interested in participating in Forte should contact the guard instructor at The season usually begins with an interest meeting that is typically held as the outdoor season is winding down.

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In-House Groups

Jazz Band – This is a credit course at the High School and is one of two jazz bands that compete in the A Class on the Cavalcade of Bands Jazz circuit. Cavalcade information, including sample score sheet and rules & regulations are at the Cavalcade site.

Lab Band – This is a credit course at the High School and is the second of two jazz bands that compete in the A Class on the Cavalcade of Bands Jazz circuit. Cavalcade information, including sample score sheet and rules & regulations are at the Cavalcade site.

Concert Band – This is a credit course at the High School and is the traditional concert band. A combined concert featuring both the Symphonic Band and Concert Band is held in the Winter and Spring.

Symphonic Band – This is a credit course at the High School and is the “advanced” concert band. A combined concert featuring both the Symphonic Band and Concert Band is held in the Winter and Spring.

Marching Band & Color Guard

Who are we?

The Marching Band plays for all football games (pre-game, halftime shows, and stand tunes during the game), several parades and several competitions throughout the Fall.

The spring season will include attending scheduled parade practices and participating in a Memorial Day Parade. Other performances may occur throughout the school year and the students of the “Big Red” Marching Band are expected to participate.

This band is the largest student organization and is open to any student at Souderton Area High School.

For additional information on the Big Red Marching Band email Alicia Simpson at

Encore! Indoor Percussion

Who are we?

The Encore! Indoor Percussion Ensemble, our indoor drumline, is open to any Souderton Area High School student who participated in the Big Red Marching Band in the same year.

The drumline is a branch ensemble of the marching band. Prior percussion experience is not necessary, though there are placement tryouts and students interested in playing drums or cymbals need to have a basic understanding of marching while performing music.

The ensemble performs several competitions and exhibitions throughout the winter and spring seasons.

Our Schedule

Our indoor groups compete on the Tournament of Bands/Tournament Indoor Association (TIA) circuit. For more information, visit the TIA site.

The indoor competitive season usually runs from November through the first weekend in May. Competitions take place on several Saturdays, usually beginning in late January.

Weekly practice schedules can vary from year to year. Schedules in previous years have been similar to this:

Practice runs from 6 to 9pm. Pickup is 9:15.

Practice runs from 6 to 9pm. Pickup is 9:15.

Saturdays: Report time: 10:00am; pickup is 4:30pm. On competition days, times will vary.

NOTE: For the remainder of the 2021 -2022 school year the prerequisite of being in the Marching Band for Encore Indoor Percussion and Forte Winter Guard has been lifted.
Students who are interested in participating in Encore should contact the director, at

Volunteering Opportunities

Before you volunteer, you must fulfill the SASD volunteer requirements. BRBB volunteers are considered “Program Volunteers.” Program Volunteers shall be required to renew these clearances every 60 months. Visit the SASD Volunteers page to read the official description of the District’s volunteer requirements, to read about the clearances you need to obtain, and to find links to the forms you need to complete. View descriptions of some of the volunteer roles: General